Home » November 24, 2014 Meeting Materials

November 24, 2014 Meeting Materials

Hello All,

Our next meeting will be held at 10 AM Monday, November 24, 2014 at the Town of Saratoga Town Hall in Schuylerville.  Please call Supervisor Tom Wood at 695-3644 ext 314 if you are in need of directions.  Enclosed in this packet are the minutes from the November 4th meeting, a tentative agenda for our upcoming meeting and a draft resolution to be reviewed and discussed.  If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, any corrections to the minutes or comments, please contact Elizabeth Nostrand at 455-4805 or e-mail nostrande@assembly.state.ny.us.   This information is also available online at our new website www.hudsonhoosicpartnership.org.


Tom Richardson, Chair

Minutes November 3 2014

Agenda for the November 24, 2014 mtg

Cover Letter for November 24, 2014 mtg