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The Historic Saratoga – Washington on the Hudson Partnership was established through an act of legislation in 2006 initiated by Assemblymembers Roy McDonald and Steven Englebright and supported by Senator Joe Bruno to support local efforts through an innovative and voluntary framework of public and private groups, including local and state government. Municipalities and non-profit organizations along the Upper Hudson River have initiated local projects that foster stewardship of the areas’ rich natural and cultural heritage, as well as provide for sustainable economic growth.  In 2012, legislation was passed to expand the partnership into the towns and villages bordering the Hoosic River, creating the Historic Hudson – Hoosic Partnership.

Partnership Mission

The Partnership’s mission is to preserve, enhance and develop the historic, agricultural, scenic, natural and recreational resources and the significant waterways within the Partnership region. Through the tradition of municipal home rule, the Partnership will foster collaborative projects with pertinent non-profit and governmental entities with an emphasis on both agricultural and open space protection, economic and tourism development, and the protection and interpretation of our natural and cultural heritage.

Widespread Support

Municipalities may opt into the partnership at any time through a local resolution. The Partnership has received enthusiastic support from both local government and non-profit groups within the Upper Hudson Corridor. The partnership meets monthly to discuss projects, create resolutions in support of like-minded issues, and generally foster its mission to preserve, enhance and develop the historic, agricultural, scenic, natural and recreational resources of the Partnership region.

Stewardship Plan

Stewardship Plan .PDF Download (9.98 MB)